
Showing posts from August, 2021

Marker Painting-Third Grade

 Marker Painting Properties of Water-Soluble vs Permanent markers. How can both types of markers be used to an artist's advantage in the same artwork? Creating a value scale with marker painting Review Color Mixing Work on one section at a time-if you don't want colors to mix, work on opposite sides of art so it can dry before painting adjacent areas. Draw in pencil Trace in marker Paint your shapes dragging the outline color in to fill up the shapes

3rd Grade Extra Art - Meet Mr. Doodle

What is a doodle ? A  doodle  is a  drawing  made while a person may be thinking about something else or daydreaming. Maybe you doodle in school when your teacher is talking. Some people believe doodling can help us concentrate more! Here is a boy who became famous for his doodles. Today you can practice making your own doodles. Let's watch Mr. Doodle inspired doodling pictures to get some ideas. Content : Art is Basic . com