
Roll a Haunted House


Kindergarten Thiebaud (sub plan)

Wayne Thiebaud Is there something you love so much, you only ever want to make art about that thing? Maybe it's sports, or cats, or cars... There was an artist named Wayne Thiebaud, who loved sweet treats. He loved how beautiful they were, how unique they were and how interesting they were to look at, especially in a bakery when they are all lined up. He decided he only wanted to make art about DESERTS.   You can make art like Wayne Thiebaud.  Think of something you are interested in, and draw three of them really large on the paper.  Maybe it's ice cream cones, maybe it's fish, maybe it's cupcakes.  Draw with a pencil first, then trace with a sharpie, then color with crayons. Don't forget to draw a line behind the objects for your table and add shadows. The shadows should be the same color as your table, just much darker. 

Watercolor Painting-A Taste of Choice

  Watercolor Painting Kindergarten students choose their subject, and create an original piece of art using Sharpie marker, crayon and watercolor paint.  Students can add details or color some areas in crayon Students paint carefully with watercolor, remembering to wash their brushes between colors. Share Time/Reflection-Discuss with a Friend or Two: 1. What is your favorite part of your work? 2. What would you change about your work? 3. What did you learn from working with watercolor paint? Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to:  Post Comments (Atom) Blog Archive ►   2024  (9) ►   2023  (24) ►   2022  (11) ►   2021  (21) ►   2020  (29) ►   2019  (5) ►   2018  (2) ▼   2017  (21) ►   December  (2) ▼   November  (4) Extra Art-Watercolor Painting Extra Art--Collage I am an Artist-Kindergarten Self-Portraits Desiging a cover f...

Shape Friends-Kindergarten



  Sub Plan and Routines: SEATING and ATTENDANCE     The Lesson -define landscape, show landscape slides & Roll-a-Landscape video Supply Distribution- Studio time & independent work. quiet song (Pachelbel Canon in D piano--on YouTube) during work for focus-zero talking during the 3 minute song if needed       5.Clean up: About 5-7 minutes before the end of class, begin clean-up .  Play Greg Percy’s clean up anthem. It is on YouTube. During clean up time students should be quiet. Students can take their art home with them. A  landscape  is a kind of art depicting natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests.  Roll A Landscape - Video What kind of  LANDSCAPE  will you create? 

Drawing with Construction Paper Crayons-First Grade

  How is drawing on black paper different from drawing on white paper? When would you choose black paper? What would look good on black paper? night pictures...wolves...owls... superhero pictures... what else?